Know any good blog designers?

This is a completely self-gratuitous post (but really, what is a blog if it isn’t just a little bit self-gratuitous every once in a while?), but it’s burning on my mind, so I’m going to ask it for this week’s backwards Works-for-me-Wednesday:

I’m just itching to get my blog designed (that is, by someone who actually knows how to design, that someone not being me). I’ve found a couple of designers in my extensive search, but am really struggling to find ones that:
a) I like
b) I can afford
c) Are actually available now or in the very near future

Any recommendations? Pretty please? 🙂

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  1. In the spirit of self-gratuitous-ness(?!), or sister-gratuitous-ness, let me recommend my own sis at She is a web designer but has recently switched over to blogs. I designed my own blog, but I had her design my new yoga practice blog ( She also has other examples she can show.
    Anyways, there you go. Perhaps she can help. I will give her a head’s up in case you should wander over.

  2. I agree with Lindsay. I like clean and neat and straightforward–which is what you have here. I think your blog is very attractive.

  3. Mia at The Blog Cafe did my design. I really liked it and it was very reasonable in price. They also have predesigned layouts you can buy for less than a custom design.

  4. I have heard Dawn at Barefoot Blogs does a good job, but I do not know the prices. She did Purple Cellar’s new site (
    Worth checking into!

  5. Wow, thank you all for the suggestions! I have checked a few of them out, and plan to look at the rest of them over the next couple of days. What a helpful bunch you are!

    And Lindsay and Pieces, thank you. Very kind of you to say. I also like clean and simple (as you can see by what I have now, and which I also find both of your blogs to be), I would simply like more of a professional’s touch and I have a bit of a different vision in mind, that I cannot create myself. 🙂

  6. You are all so great- thanks for the suggestions! Well, I’ve got a little something going now, and I can’t wait to show you all my new blog! Not sure when it will be finished yet, but I’ll let you know. 🙂

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