
Snow, snow, go away


Though there may still be patches of snow on the ground, leftover from what fell on Sunday night/Monday morning, I am in denial. Spring is springing, ladies! I can feel it!

The first three little purple crocuses have popped up in my front yard, my garlic that I planted last fall has leaves about 1/2 a foot tall, and the Farmer's Almanac tells me that I could have started my frost-hardy crops on Saturday. Need I say more?

It's gardening time!!!

I think I'm just about all ready to get going. My broccoli and cauliflower seedlings are about 3 weeks old now, and doing quite nicely, as are my herbs (except the silly lavender and peppermint that didn't want to germinate). I've got all of my spring seeds ready- snap and shelling peas, various kinds of lettuce, spinach, oriental greens, carrots, turnips, radishes, beets, and onion sets (I just bought some white and red to add to the yellow that I did last year). I originally forgot to buy kale seeds, and attempted to do so at Home Depot (who didn't have kale and didn't even know what it was!), but I'll find some yet.


As soon as the snow finishes melting and the really cold chill leaves the air, you better believe I'll have the kids bundled up and we'll be breaking up that soil! Sometime this week I just need to write out my garden layout plan for the year, and I'll be set.

Anyone else getting as anxious to be gardening as I am? Have you mapped out your gardens and bought your seeds yet? What are your gardening plans for this year?

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  1. I’m so excited to start putting our garden in – we’ve been blessed with incredible weather the last few weeks here in California, so we’ve plenty of spring color to inspire us!

    I’m thinking of trying a “children’s garden” this year – our 3 year old is finally old enough to help with the planting, and possibly even the watering 😉 We let him pick out the sunflowers he wanted (of course he picked the giant one “Just like Goliath, Moma!”).

  2. I am very excited to get out and garden! Unfortunately, we are at -2 degrees this morning and we received another round of snow last night, so it will be another couple months before I can even start working our soil… I guess that is the downside to living in Northern Wisconsin!

    I will be excited to watch you start your gardening though. Hopefully it will tide me over until I can start mine!

  3. Here in CO, spring can be so unpredictable that we don’t do anything until Mother’s Day. Even if we have 3 weeks of April in the 70’s we could get 2 feet of snow that our little plants wouldn’t survive.

    Hubby is thinking we should use our garden space for chickens anyway since we get so much produce from our CSA. I do want o plant some salad stuff though…

  4. I am a really getting excited about my veggie garden. Unfortunately the only thing I get to plant this spring is some more annual flowers and a new tree in the front yard. I live in South Florida (you may as well say almost in the islands) and our veggie garden season doesn’t start until September. Otherwise is just too hot and humid for fruit to set during the summer. I hope you keep us posted on what you grow I’ll be planning my garden in the meantime.

  5. I’m in Georgia, so it’s definitely time to get some things in the ground. I don’t think I’ll be too ambitious this year, but I haven’t planted a garden at all for a couple summers, so I want to do something.

    I’m planning to get my first things in the ground sometime this week!

  6. Hello,

    I love your crocus photo! It feels so good to see something gree doesn’t it?

    Here in our part of Michigan our planting date for non-frost hardy vegetables like tomatoes is May 31st. So it’s going to be a while for us yet.

    The soil usually dries up by mid May so we plan to plow and harrow the garden around then and plant things like lettuce and peas. I’ll start the tomatoes and some melons indoors next month so they will be ready to go in the garden by the end of May.

    One thing I’ve been wanting to try is a cold frame; they are pretty common around here, but I’ve never used one. My husband is pretty handy; so I’m sure he could make one out of an old window we have in the garage.

    Can’t wait to see your garden once things start poppin up!

    Take Care,


  7. I really need to get my summer garden planned. Here in Northern Florida, the winter garden season is just coming to a close and I harvested my first wonderful heads of broccoli this weekend. We’ve been munching on turnips & turnip greens, spinach, carrots and radishes for a months or two now & I’m ready to get the fruiting plants in. We have a small community garden plot and I’ll be doing eggplant, okra, tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, bitter melon, & some flowers. In the toddlers’ plot we’ve already planted peas, beans, short carrots, sunflowers & cherry tomatoes. They love to pull up the carrots! There’s also a sand & water table for them to play with water, dig and scoop. I adore the climate here- I never have to worry about water, only pests like southern army worms, thrips and fire ants.

    Ahh, gardening. I can’t get enough of it!

  8. I am getting a little buzz of excitement. We have had mild weather in Indiana for the past week and it has made everyone ansty for spring.

  9. Well we melted off a foot of our snow this week but now its back to cold LOL. 3 feet to go! 🙂

    I need to put this on my list of things to do- planning my garden. I need to figure it out because in a few weeks I need to start my transplants (have to do it that late or they will be too leggy for what I want this year and how late I have to put them out).

    thanks for the garden reminder! It seems so unreal to me. Daylight savings time change made me realize spring is indeed coming even if it doesn’t seem to be otherwise.

  10. Living in the mountains of CA means our growing season won’t start for another two months, however, I am making plans right now! I am trying something different this year. I plan to lay down cardboard with mulch on top to discourage weeds and hold the moisture in the soil (it is very dry here as well!). I will make a hole in the cardboard or pull two pieces apart to plant a row. It will be interesting to see if this works. I also plan to go small so I can manage it and not get discouraged! If all goes well, I’ll expand next year.

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